The dairy industry continues to apply more focus on the importance of reducing water costs and the recovery
of valuable raw materials. Water consumption in this industry is mainly associated with cleaning operations,
cooling water, and process water
How does it work?
Ozone is a high-oxidizing agent that reacts, when it is in contact with any organic molecule, eliminating
microbes, bacteria, and mold. With its strong sterilizing properties, it can reduce the contamination of fungal spores and bacteria located on the surface of the machine.

Surface & odor air sanitation in the dairy industry is fundamental for the quality of the final product. Studies
prove that a wide range of dairy products can benefit from the use of ozone treatment as a disinfectant.
Ozone has been used for the removal of milk residues and biofilm-forming bacteria in steel surfaces and milk processing, including fluid milk, powdered milk products, and cheese. While it destroys bacteria, viruses,
fungus, yeasts, molds, and protozoa
Ozone can be applied to clean and disinfect dairy milking equipment and surfaces in dairy settings. Many
hygienic problems may easily be prevented with the use of ozone.
If ozonated water is used on dairy products, it should be used for your cleaning process
Effectiveness of Ozone(as per source study)
Stainless Steel 89.7-98.2
Room Air 70.2-95.03%